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Do pythons keep away the venomous snakes?

The simple answer is no. Pythons and many other snakes can happily co-exist in the same environment. There is a catch tho, they need a certain amount of food to sustain each snake. If there are lots of rats, frogs and other food sources then there can be several snakes in the same area. Although if there is limited rodents you may only find one or the other because competition for food is high. Competition for the same, limited food source can lead to less diversity but if you have lots of frogs and only a few rats, you may find pythons and some frog eating species like the red-belly black snake happily co-existing with limited to no competition for food. It also depends on habitat, you may have limited species by virtue of the environment not because one scares or eats the other. Snakes are cannibalistic though (some more than others), and you can get predation but that doesn’t stop the next door snake coming for a visit next time.

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